

Create a Secure Password With a Password Pattern

It’s never been more important to make sure that you come up with strong passwords. While KineticD will most certainly protect your data through our cloud backup services, we want to help keep your vital data and information as secure as possible.…
Is it time to move to the cloud?

Is It Time to Backup Your Life into the Cloud?

Storing data in the cloud has become so cost-effective that you can almost think of it as being free. This is encouraging people in all walks of life to save space on their home machines with low-cost cloud backup. Given the ease and affordability…

Protecting What is Near and Dear to my Wife, Her Pictures.

If there is one thing that my wife is, it’s a picture fanatic. She literally takes hundreds of pictures a month! If you don’t believe me, ask my family, friends, and Facebook contacts. My job of course is to keep these pictures safe! This…