Virtual Machines Backup Strategies

Virtual Machine Backup Strategies

Virtualization can offer significant benefits for businesses with large amounts of data. This IT strategy involves creating a virtual machine with operating system-like capabilities to store and run large applications. This effectively separates…

KineticD & Security: Why your backups were not affected by Heartbleed.

As you may be aware, a major vulnerability code named Heartbleed recently been discovered for OpenSSL, the popular encryption software that powers two thirds (2/3) of the Internet. Since KineticD only relied on OpenSSL for our marketing portals,…
kineticD Cloud backup blog primary vs secondary

Cloud Backup Should Be Like an Insurance Policy with All Primary Restores Coming from Local Backup

Data is quickly being recognized as the lifeblood of business. For many, it’s their most valuable business asset. Customers are often more willing to give you their money than they are to give you their personal data. That alone speaks to…

Advantages of Using a Hosted Cloud-based Backup System Instead of Building Your Own

Unless you’re in the IT business, the job of managing your own server is more of a tactical nightmare than a comforting dream. Even if you have a dedicated IT staff on hand, do your really want them focused on the busy work of data backup…
Top cloud backup myths

Top 5 Cloud Backup Myths

Similar to other new and innovative technologies, the cloud has many people confused or hesitant to take advantage its awesome capabilities. It was only a few years ago that the cloud made its way into people’s lives, and it is revolutionizing…