
KineticD Online Data Backup Expert Tips: The Role of Data Deduplication in Cloud Computing
The increasing popularity of online data backup has served to bring into common usage many innovative new technologies, one of which is data deduplication. Simply put, data deduplication is the process in which redundant (or duplicated) data…

Going Green with Block Level, Global De-duplication
Near ubiquitous connectivity has expanded the digital universe at a major cost to the environment. Huge amounts of money are being invested in data centers and these server farms are driving up the demand for energy and other resources. Yet,…

A Statement on Client Side, Software Based Deduplication Technology
Thanks to the relatively recent development of Deduplication technologies, US DataVault is not only more efficient for our Clients, but more profitable as well.
For the newcomer, Deduplication eliminates redundant backup and archive data at…

The Intimate Relationship of Data Deduplication and Encryption
Most people can easily associate compression and deduplication in their mind, after all they have 2 common goals:
1.To reduce bandwidth going from the client to the backup server 2. To reduce storage space once the data resides on the backup…

What is Source Based Data De-Duplication?
When most people think of cloud storage, they imagine an infinite horizon of bits and bytes, a vast, limitless space in which to store their data. But cloud storage is sometimes not the avarice that people imagine. For applications that have…