Cloud Computing Perspectives

A Perspective can be defined as a viewpoint on the object viewed—in this instance “cloud computing”. These perspectives can be varied, but they are useful in understanding the dimensions and scope of the cloud and the decision points involved in the adoption of the cloud. Here are a few dimensions of the cloud that must receive the attention of the strategist and the decision maker in any organization:
Cloud computing is a directional move towards standardization of business processes. Cloud vendors focus attention on the generic aspects of a business and identify best practices that can be adapted to create software environments that facilitate the business processes for that industry. It improves the shape of the experience curve and brings in economies of scale. However, business specific customization options are limited and businesses operating within the industry may be forced to re-design their processes to fit in with the generically designed processes.
Cloud computing is a strategic tool for acquiring competitive edge over rivals and a larger market share on a global scale. For the first time small and medium enterprises find that they can compete on par with large enterprises using tools that were not available to them earlier. The global reach of the cloud links up the different divisions of the organization seamlessly and makes mobile working real. Growth strategies and plans no longer need to be limited by physical constraints. The world is the playground.
Cloud Computing creates a set of innovative business models and terminologies—Web 2.0, Software as a Service (SaaS); Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); Platform as a Service (PaaS) and so on. On premise computing infrastructure based thinking is replaced by utility computing concepts and service level agreement management orientations. Open standards, data portability and accessibility are issues and concerns in this new world. New terminologies have emerged as business users discuss Automatic system computing; grid computing; platform virtualization; web services; web application frameworks or open source software.
We, at Data Deposit Box, help you understand these different perspectives on cloud computing and navigate your way through the new and emerging terminology. Our expert advisers are available 24/7/365 to answer your questions and hand hold you through the process of coming to grips with the cloud. Contact our support team for more information on how Data Deposit Box can assist you in ensuring that you step in the right direction armed with the right perspective on cloud computing.

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