
What’s the world’s new, most valuable resource?
The title of an article in The Economist says it all – “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data”. Let’s start by defining data. Simply put, data is a collection of facts and statistics for reference or analysis.…

What’s the #1 cause of data loss?
The answer will surprise you.
Data loss is a battle organizations big and small are constantly fighting. According to a recent Gartner report, global spend on Information Security and Data Protection will reach USD $124 billion in 2019. This…

8 Malware & Ransomware Threats You Need to Know
To understand malware and ransomware we need to first define what each is. Let’s start with the basic definitions: Malware is a broad term describing any malicious code or program, including viruses, worms, and trojans, that provide an…

Is your data secure?
The news headlines suggest it isn’t.
This infographic provides an easy to read overview of the warnings in 2019 relating to computer vulnerabilities and data security. If you have a Dell PC, iPad, iPhone or use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft…

Sync versus Backup
The difference between sync and back up
Many people think that syncing and backing up files are the same thing - but they are not. There are many major differences, that are both unknown and misunderstood. Let’s start with some basic…

Top 5 folders you should backup on Microsoft Windows
Your PC’s hard drive could fail at any time or a software bug could erase your files, so backups are critical. However, you don’t need to back up all the files on your PC. That would waste space and make your backups take longer to complete. Below…

What is the real cost of data loss?
Virtually every individual and business will be impacted in some way by cyber crime, ransomware and hardware failures. The stories are all different but the end result is the same - data loss. Putting a cost on data loss is difficult. For an…

NSA warns Microsoft Windows Users to Update Now!
On June 4th the National Security Agency (NSA) published an advisory warning Microsoft Windows administrators and users to “ensure they are using a patched and updated system in the face of growing threats.” Dubbed “BlueKeep”, the threat…

What is Ransomware and How Does it Work?
You may have heard of ransomware or even experienced its devastating effects, but what exactly is it and how does it work? At its core, ransomware is a type of software that is designed to steal your digitally stored data and hold it hostage…

How to Take Your IT Career to the Next Level — Part II
In Part I, we discussed on how to improve one's IT career by getting certified and creating something new and practical project, which can help you take your career to the next level. Continuing in Part II, we will further consider other career…

How to Take Your IT Career to the Next Level — Part I
IT is definitely one of the hottest industries today. We see the rise of revolutionary technologies such as Big Data, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, etc. with which the demand for IT experts, in both hardware and software has skyrocketed. However,…

How to Hire and Retain Top IT Professionals and Engineers - Part II
In Part I, we discussed how to hire top IT professionals and engineers. In this Part II series, we will further discuss how to retain the top hires.
Hiring a top talent has its own challenges, but retaining top performing talents would be even…