
How Small and Large Scale Companies Can Save Power?
While establishing small or large data centers, operating cost related to power consumption cannot be overlooked. In order to improve power efficiency, some suggest building data centers near hydroelectric plant. However, data centers come in…

Recommended Browser: Chrome Or Firefox?
In 2008, Google launched most popular and commonly used browser, named as "Chrome". At the time, there were many other browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, IE and Safari that were widely used. Question arises whether selection of browser in this…

How to Reduce Risks Associated with Network Virtualization?
Companies have different objectives, starting from low capital investment to improving IT system efficiency. According to company’s requirement, virtualization is adopted to accomplish specific objectives. If you are worried about data breaches…

Data Protection Solutions and Selection of Cloud Backup
Cloud backup systems come in various options. Some of them are simple and have user friendly environment, whereas others have restricted recovery options. Many cloud backup solutions are complicated, but provide wide range of flexible recovery…

Online Backup: Reliable and Affordable Solution for Data Protection
Cloud computing offers wide range of solutions to companies and online backup is one of the best solutions to keep important data safe from disruptions and disasters. It gives way to keep applications and data off-site in highly secured environment.…

Cusps to the Rescue—Hybrid Clouds
The cloud is not new. Nor are the arguments for and against using the private or public cloud going anywhere. All standpoints seem valid. The fears are real and tenable. The solution seems to lie in the creation of the cusp—the hybrid cloud—that…

Delivering Value to SMBs
There has been a paradigm shift in computing. The world is discussing “utility computing”. This new reality is shaping business strategy—market places are global; increased competitiveness is increased reach; uncertainty can be countered…

Cloud Integration – a Peek into What it Takes to Join the Revolution
Integrating your data and applications into the cloud is attractive. But what does it take to achieve it? Here are a few pointers that may be useful in your decision making exercise.
Political factors: Resistance to change is unavoidable. This…

Cloud Computing Perspectives
A Perspective can be defined as a viewpoint on the object viewed—in this instance “cloud computing”. These perspectives can be varied, but they are useful in understanding the dimensions and scope of the cloud and the decision points involved…

Features to Look out for in an Online Cloud Data Backup Vendor
Archiving business data is one critical component of a business you cannot ignore, especially if you want your organization to recover quickly from data disaster. A TwinStrata research has shown that, at least a quarter of all computers in the…

Cloud Backup Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises
Cloud computing can help prevent several business nightmares encountered by young and old entrepreneurs. Implementing certain software features for cloud backup strategies, as a matter of fact can salvage your situation in the event of natural…

Why Your Company Should Store Data in the Cloud?
There are many reasons that businesses should consider using the cloud. Among other things, the cloud is versatile, flexible, scalable and allows instant accessibility for mobile workers wherever they are. These are all good reasons for your…