
Data Analytics and the Cloud

Data Analytics and the Cloud

What are data analytics and how do they relate to the cloud? Can data analytics help speed up monetization of the cloud, and if so, how? How important are they to cloud based businesses? How can a company's data become financially beneficial…
Can Cloud Vendors Deliver What They Promise?

Can Cloud Vendors Deliver What They Promise?

Cloud vendors offer a variety of services. What assurances are there that cloud vendors can deliver the services they promise? How can they guarantee they will be able to satisfy their customer’s demands? Like any new technology, cloud based…
Think of the Cloud as a Utility - Why The Cloud is an Essential Service for Information Based Companies

Think of the Cloud as a Utility - Why The Cloud is an Essential Service for Information Based Companies

For a variety of reasons, some companies are reluctant to do business in the cloud. They may have reservations about the cost, about the security of the technology or may just not have enough information. One way to allay some of these concerns…

KineticD Online Data Backup Expert Tips: Cloud Computing Advantages for Service-Driven Enterprises

“The customer is *always* right.” We’ve all heard this expression before, and while it may not always be true in the most literal sense, it does hold a deeper meaning: without the customer, the business ceases to be a business at all.…