
How to Improve Your PC's Boot Time by Almost 50 Percent
If there is one thing that is highly characteristic of new PC systems, it is how fast they boot up when you turn them on. However, as weeks turn into months, you will start noticing that your PC doesn't startup as fast as it used to be, and…

Why Networking Monitoring Tools are Important, and How to Pick One?
No matter what kind of business you are running, in order to keep pace with your competitors in today's "connected" world, you will need a robust network that your customers, staff, and partners can rely upon.
Network monitoring allows you…

Traditional Backup Or Disaster Recovery Solutions?
More and more businesses are embracing Data Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), as cloud solutions are trending. However, is it really the way to go? Let's see how it holds up against the traditional backup methods.
Traditional DR Methods

How Cloud Backup Can Protect Against Ransomware
Amongst all kinds of computer attacks, ransomware is the worst. While malware would corrupt some files, and adware might simply make your web-browser to slow down, ransomware is just a whole other ball game. Ransomware could be taken care of…

What are the Options for Local, On-Premise Storage?
The majority of computer users are aware of the developments in the CPU and GPU technology. They know when the new-gen processors are going to hit the shelves, or what are the best GPUs for high-end 3D animation or other GPU-based software such…

Is the Data Backup and Recovery Business Declining?
One of the worst fears of every business owner is reaching a saturation phase. As it has been a long time since the first comprehensive Backup and Data Recovery solution was introduced, IT businesses, especially, Managed Service Providers (MSPs)…

Migrating from Tapes to the Cloud is a Sign of Maturity
Technological advances have made it simple to transition from tape backup to cloud backup and recovery solutions. However, migrating years of data to the cloud is not a simple task. It requires thoughtful consideration.
Which Data Need to be…

Is It Any Good to Work with Managed Service Providers? - Part 2
In Part I, we discussed how organizations can take advantage of working with MSPs to proactively save their resources. In Part II, we will further discuss other advantages of working with MSPs.
Hire or Outsource?
IT recruiters can tell you…

Is It Any Good to Work with Managed Service Providers? — Part 1
The IT department of any average business has to handle a variety of tasks, including cloud storage, cloud computing, cloud backup, data protection, data mobility in the data management areas, and a plethora of other tasks while ensuring compliance…

Delivering Value to SMBs
There has been a paradigm shift in computing. The world is discussing “utility computing”. This new reality is shaping business strategy—market places are global; increased competitiveness is increased reach; uncertainty can be countered…

Cloud Integration – a Peek into What it Takes to Join the Revolution
Integrating your data and applications into the cloud is attractive. But what does it take to achieve it? Here are a few pointers that may be useful in your decision making exercise.
Political factors: Resistance to change is unavoidable. This…

Cloud Computing Perspectives
A Perspective can be defined as a viewpoint on the object viewed—in this instance “cloud computing”. These perspectives can be varied, but they are useful in understanding the dimensions and scope of the cloud and the decision points involved…