
Cloud Computing: The Basics
Many early visual interpretations of the Internet displayed the all-knowing cumulonimbus cloud spewing out information. What exactly is going on in there? Simply put, cloud computing means accessing programs and cloud backup data through the…

Optimize Security by Using Third Party Disaster Recovery Services
Either in school or our places of work, we've all been through a fire drill at least a few times in our lives. Often, this exercise in disaster preparedness is considered to be nothing more than an annoying inconvenience to those who's schedules…

Is There a Limit to Unlimited Online Backup?
We've all noticed the trend over the past couple of years or so; more and more online backup companies sprouting up all time, with many of them claiming to offer unlimited backup services. Well, it appears that the "unlimited bubble" has broken,…

Why Are People Still Using Tape to Backup?
In this modern era rife with the myriad efficiencies of computers, smart phones and other digital devices, the fact that some people still tout the value of using tape technology for anything is truly baffling. Indeed, it would seem to be a…

Why Choose Offsite Cloud Backup Over Traditional Tape Backup?
For 20 plus years, many businesses have been backing up their data to tape. Tape backup was the most efficient method of backup of its time and stayed this way until fairly recently. As time progressed, it became apparent that tape backups were…

Is Your Data REALLY Protected?
Very few people actually realize how much data they are storing on their local computers. What would happen if your computer crashed or got a virus and all your data was lost? Would you miss it? Many of us never think to backup our data until…

Moving to the Cloud
If you didn’t believe all the noise about cloud computing in the enterprise before, perhaps the latest news will help you change your thinking.
A new survey from Morgan Stanley reveals that 70% of CIOs questioned plan to move some, or all,…