
Three Cloud Computing Topics of Discussion for 2015

Cloud computing has been a frequent topic of discussion for businesses for the last several years, but like all technologies, the discussion continues to evolve. This year meetings will be centered around new subject matters related to cloud…

CIO Review Features Data Deposit Box's Solutions Sized for SMBs

Cloud storage is often discussed in the context of giant server farms in constant states of downloading, storing and refreshing data for huge enterprises, even though all businesses need data security. Data Deposit Box wondered why cloud solutions…

The Evolution of Cloud Computing

For most computer users, the word “cloud” no longer means a suspended mass of particles. Instead, it’s a metaphor for the virtual world, and the idea of a converged infrastructure has definitely evolved. Businesses and individuals have…
Cloud Backup: the Basics

Cloud Computing: The Basics

Many early visual interpretations of the Internet displayed the all-knowing cumulonimbus cloud spewing out information. What exactly is going on in there? Simply put, cloud computing means accessing programs and cloud backup data through the…

Everything you need to know about Cloud Backup (part 1)

Data Deposit Box first opened its doors in the year 2002 with the simple idea that all PCs should have backup (back then iPhones and tablets didn’t exist). 12 years and 60,000+ business customers later Data Deposit Box has gained an unparalleled…

How to Avoid the "Achilles’ Heel" of Online Data Backup

There is no doubt about it; online data backup and cloud computing represent the vanguard in business information technology, with more and more small to mid-sized enterprises switching to online backup services every day. And, with all the…

Why Are People Still Using Tape to Backup?

In this modern era rife with the myriad efficiencies of computers, smart phones and other digital devices, the fact that some people still tout the value of using tape technology for anything is truly baffling. Indeed, it would seem to be a…

Agentless Backup Technology

ROBOBAK Online Data Backup Expert Tips: Agentless Backup Technology The debate rages on. Which backup architecture makes the most sense, agentless or agent based. While there is much to be said for both technologies, we must consider the pros…

Five factors to Consider When Choosing an Offsite Cloud Backup Service Provider

You’re probably wondering what to look for if you’re a small or medium-sized business looking to make the switch to an offsite cloud backup model. To determine if cloud backup is the right solution for your small business, consider these…

Protecting What is Near and Dear to my Wife, Her Pictures.

If there is one thing that my wife is, it’s a picture fanatic. She literally takes hundreds of pictures a month! If you don’t believe me, ask my family, friends, and Facebook contacts. My job of course is to keep these pictures safe! This…