
Outsmarting the CryptoLocker

Outsmarting the CryptoLocker

The battle against cybervillains is the purest definition of an unfair fight. In most cases, your only response is to be reactionary; they attack, and you react. They then look at the countermeasures you’ve taken to block them, and then formulate…
Hard Drive Disaster Prep for Procrastinators

Hard Drive Disaster Prep for Procrastinators

For many small businesses, the only activity that regularly occurs around data backup is procrastination. The bad news is that two major computer catastrophes are always on the horizon, waiting to destroy any valuable files stored on your office…

Three Cloud Computing Topics of Discussion for 2015

Cloud computing has been a frequent topic of discussion for businesses for the last several years, but like all technologies, the discussion continues to evolve. This year meetings will be centered around new subject matters related to cloud…

CIO Review Features Data Deposit Box's Solutions Sized for SMBs

Cloud storage is often discussed in the context of giant server farms in constant states of downloading, storing and refreshing data for huge enterprises, even though all businesses need data security. Data Deposit Box wondered why cloud solutions…

The Evolution of Cloud Computing

For most computer users, the word “cloud” no longer means a suspended mass of particles. Instead, it’s a metaphor for the virtual world, and the idea of a converged infrastructure has definitely evolved. Businesses and individuals have…

Everything you need to know about Cloud Backup (part 1)

Data Deposit Box first opened its doors in the year 2002 with the simple idea that all PCs should have backup (back then iPhones and tablets didn’t exist). 12 years and 60,000+ business customers later Data Deposit Box has gained an unparalleled…

Create a Secure Password With a Password Pattern

It’s never been more important to make sure that you come up with strong passwords. While KineticD will most certainly protect your data through our cloud backup services, we want to help keep your vital data and information as secure as possible.…
move business critical apps to virtual machine

Reasons to Move Business-Critical Applications to Virtual Machines

Moving applications and data to virtual machines – i.e. virtualizing these applications – is a major change for businesses. If anything were to go wrong with business-critical applications, a company would have a lot to worry about. Lack…
Virtual Machines Backup Strategies

Virtual Machine Backup Strategies

Virtualization can offer significant benefits for businesses with large amounts of data. This IT strategy involves creating a virtual machine with operating system-like capabilities to store and run large applications. This effectively separates…

KineticD & Security: Why your backups were not affected by Heartbleed.

As you may be aware, a major vulnerability code named Heartbleed recently been discovered for OpenSSL, the popular encryption software that powers two thirds (2/3) of the Internet. Since KineticD only relied on OpenSSL for our marketing portals,…

KineticD Online Data Backup Expert Tips: Who Has Control of Your Online Data? You Do!

It could be seen as rather ironic, I suppose, that cloud computing, which is the process of having your data stored in a relatively far-away location, actually ends up bringing your data closer to you than ever before! Indeed, one of the biggest…

KineticD Online Data Backup Expert Tips: Finding The Right Data Insurance Policy for You

We’ve all taken risks before, and therefore know that sometimes you can get away with taking them - at least for a bit. Disaster usually strikes when we least expect it, and just like a tight rope walker without a net or a driver not using…