
CIO Review Features Data Deposit Box's Solutions Sized for SMBs
Cloud storage is often discussed in the context of giant server farms in constant states of downloading, storing and refreshing data for huge enterprises, even though all businesses need data security. Data Deposit Box wondered why cloud solutions…

Mitigate Your Data Storage Costs and Improve Efficiency in the Cloud
When it comes to choosing the right backup provider, one needs to consider the reliability, availability, and redundancy of each vendor. On the surface, reliability, redundancy, and availability appear to be the same thing since they help to…

The Evolution of Cloud Computing
For most computer users, the word “cloud” no longer means a suspended mass of particles. Instead, it’s a metaphor for the virtual world, and the idea of a converged infrastructure has definitely evolved. Businesses and individuals have…

Everything you need to know about Cloud Backup (part 1)
Data Deposit Box first opened its doors in the year 2002 with the simple idea that all PCs should have backup (back then iPhones and tablets didn’t exist).
12 years and 60,000+ business customers later Data Deposit Box has gained an unparalleled…

Looking to the Future by Embracing the Past
People often ask the question “What’s in a name?” In the business world, a name goes far beyond being simply an identifying tag. It represents the identity of a company, the philosophy that it adheres to, and the industry in which it practices.…

Take Your Business Up Into the Clouds
Even though computers are more powerful and capable of doing more than ever, you have to remember that they are still delicate pieces of electronic equipment. If you keep any kind of business data on your computer, is your data safe? Should…

Take Your Cloud Backup Experience Even Higher with KineticMobile
Here at KineticD we are always striving to make sure that our customers have the most comprehensive cloud backup experience possible. Business owners and their employees probably use their smartphones as a second computer, which means that eventually…

Heat Things Up With the KineticD Heat Map
Options are a great thing to have, and KineticD wants to make sure that you have as many useful options as possible when it comes to cloud backup. As part of our commitment to make sure that small and medium business owners have all of the tools…

One Backup Client Does Not Provide Comprehensive Protection
Information is power, and there is nothing more powerful to modern companies than the data saved on their computers and networks. When this data is lost, stolen, or otherwise tampered with, heads may roll, for lack of a better expression. The…

7 Questions to Ask Your Cloud Backup Provider
KineticD is committed to offering you the best cloud backup services, and your understanding of how we operate plays a big part in that commitment. You don’t want to just ask questions with any kind of service provider that you agree to work…

Create a Secure Password With a Password Pattern
It’s never been more important to make sure that you come up with strong passwords. While KineticD will most certainly protect your data through our cloud backup services, we want to help keep your vital data and information as secure as possible.…

Is It Time to Backup Your Life into the Cloud?
Storing data in the cloud has become so cost-effective that you can almost think of it as being free. This is encouraging people in all walks of life to save space on their home machines with low-cost cloud backup. Given the ease and affordability…